Paddy O'Ryan

Paddy O'Ryan


Tweebaksmarkt 49
8911 KW Leeuwarden

Paddy O’ Ryan is an Irish pub/ eetcafé where you can treat yourself to a pint of lager or our fine Irish beers, or several other nice drinks, as well as being able to order a lovely meal from the Irish kitchen. Our Irish menu offers food like fish & chips, burger or the famous Irish Stew. At Paddy O’ Ryan you can regularly enjoy LIVE music. It’s either traditional Irish music or related to Ireland in some way. Daily international sportgames on Sky Sport. Paddy O’ Ryan is open daily. Our staff is multi-national, so it isn’t that strange to hear English spoken behind the bar. Paddy O’ Ryan the Irish pub where young and old of different nationalities meet!

Uitagenda van Leeuwarden: Paddy O’ Ryan, Tweebaksmarkt 49, 8911 KW Leeuwarden - Evenementen, uitladder, musea, uittips, uitgaan, cafés, restaurants en theaters van Leeuwarden.

Uitagenda van Paddy O'Ryan