Mister Bear Netherlands 2020 Election & Bear-Ball (ABW2020)

Mister Bear Netherlands 2020 Election & Bear-Ball (ABW2020)

Za 21/03 - Amsterdam


20:00 - 05:00

Furball Amsterdam and Bear-Necessity again join forces to bring you the main event for Amsterdam Bear Weekend 2020:

*** BEAR BALL ***

We kick off at 20:30 with the election of Mister Bear Netherlands 2020, hosted by the lovely André-Jan Terlouw AKA Rachèl BeauJolie. Come join the fun and cast YOUR vote for your Mister Bear Netherlands 2020!

At 23:00, we kick it up a notch with BEAR BALL. Come dance the night away with all you bear friends from near and far!

DJ Bramsterdam & Dj Big General (Furball)
DJ Sergio Cardoso (Bear-Necessity)
Mike Jayy (Bear-Necessity)

Tickets available via www.amsterdambearweekend.com / www.furball.nl / www.bear-necessity.eu

***Please note: ticket valid for BOTH election and dance party***
