Thou USA + Moloch UK

Thou USA + Moloch UK

Ma 22/07 - Utrecht


20:00 - 23:00

Twee bands op maandag? Dat moet wel iets bijzonders zijn.

Born out of the swampy humidity of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, sludge metal band Thou are as massive as they are prolific. Thou's sound blends the shuddering heaviness of doom with the oppressive atmospherics of black metal, giving the band a monolithic sound that feels, at times, inescapable. Thou have maintained a strictly D.I.Y. philosophy, booking their own tours and making their music available for free download.

Abrasive sludge metal from Nottingham.
"Combining doom’s long-form punishment, sludge’s self-immolating riffs and hardcore’s throat-punching nihilism, Nottingham sludge metal OGs Moloch are a case in point. Birthed from East Midlands hardcore, Moloch are a consciously punishing and unrelenting beast, stripping the groove out of classic NOLA sludge and utilising the kind of dissonance and negative space perfected by Burning Witch to come up with a unique take on the genre that’s more existential hangover than dope high."
